High Bay:
Product Overview
Key Features
- IP20 suitable for internal environments
- Impact rating of IK08
- Nominal lifetime of > 72,000 h (L80/B10)
- Suitable for BESA Box, suspension and surface mounting

For 3000K optic suffix /3
For 4000K optic suffix /4
For 40deg optic suffix /40D
For 60deg optic suffix /60D
For 90deg optic suffix /90D
For DALI dimmable suffix /DIM
For Casambi enabled suffix /CAS
For emergency suffix /EMR
For self-test suffix /ST
For addressable emergency suffix /EMP
i.e. AXEL/S/90D/16778/4 =
Axel Small, 587mm, 90D optic, 16778lm, 109W, 4000K
Wire suspension kit 2m AXEL/WIRE/2M
Wire suspension kit 5m AXEL/WIRE/5M
Protective grille AXEL/GRILLE